Cooperation between Berlin and Istanbul, which dates back to 1989, has developed over the past few decades and the 30th anniversary of this partnership was celebrated in 2019. In the same year, a conference entitled ‘We the City: Plurality and Resistance in Istanbul and Berlin’ was organized, hosting several practitioners, urban activists, and scholars. We, the City in 2019 focused on developing ways to resist the increasing role of undemocratic actors and invited participants to conceive of creating a collective political identity without reducing plurality to uniformity.
The Center for Comparative Research on Democracy at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin organized We, the City 2022 that aims to bring cities and the urban scale to the center of discussions on sources of alternative participatory approaches to identify democratic and egalitarian solutions to global challenges. We the City 2022 aspires to be a platform where actors of cities can discuss, imagine and contribute to the design of participatory, responsive, and emancipatory practices and institutions. We seek to facilitate exchange of ideas and experience to think together about new ways of participation that acknowledge existing inequalities and disadvantaged groups, mitigate inequalities and empower grassroots initiatives, institutions, and citizens.